At sea and on land, let's observe them with kindness.
Credit : Laurence Lévesque / ©Parcs Canada

The Saguenay-Saint-Laurent Marine Park, one of the best places in the world to observe whales. From the shore, from Baie-Sainte-Catherine to Les Escoumins via Sacré-Cœur, take the Discovery Network. Awaken your senses; you may see or hear belugas, rorquals, and porpoises close to the coast.

Valérie Busque, Agent, Promotion and Non-Personalized Media of the Saguenay-Saint-Laurent Management Unit at Parks Canada, lists the interpretation centers and museums that make up the Discovery Network. Captivating exhibitions led by passionate interpretive guides, revealing the multiple facets of this fascinating world where more than 2,000 wild species coexist, ranging from microscopic algae to the gigantic blue whale.

Surrounding the marine park, the viewpoints overlooking the Saguenay Fjord and the St. Lawrence Estuary are worth a visit. On foot, by bike, or by car, let yourself be lulled by the sound of the waves on the beach, breathe in the salty air for a total change of scenery.

In a kayak, motorboat, or sailboat, on a cruise in the fjord or towards the islands of the St. Lawrence and on a whale-watching cruise, navigate the sea and meet the most famous resident of the marine park, the St. Lawrence beluga.

New and Warning

Follow the example of captains and sea kayak guides from licensed companies and take the online training on navigation in whale habitats. It's free, short, and interactive. Remember to respect rules such as navigation speed limits, areas to avoid, and behaviors to adopt to protect whales. Note that some activities such as the use of jet skis and drones are prohibited and, above all, pay special attention to the beluga. Your presence in their natural habitat can distract them and reduce the time they spend caring for their young, feeding, and resting. "If you spot a beluga, don't stop. Move away to maintain a distance of more than 400 meters. Every action counts to protect belugas," warns Valérie Busque.

Article excerpt from the tourist magazine of the Côte-Nord, Between Nature and Grandeur.


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