The Hidden Treasures of the Côte-Nord


Every region and corner of the country offers visitors a host of very interesting attractions. These sites are often well marked as they are part of major tourist points of interest. However, there are small treasures, more discreet and rarely mentioned in tourist brochures, that deserve attention.

These lesser-known gems, off the beaten track, can become unforgettable memories. Most of the time free and accessible, well protected, and of great beauty, these places allow for a contemplative and tranquil time.

To give an overview of some of these hidden gems, who better than the director of the Côte-Nord Regional Tourist Association, Paul Lavoie, to share his secrets.

"Although I have been in this position for a long time, there are still many places that I do not know and that remain to be discovered," he says right off the bat.

"The advantage of the Côte-Nord is that it is vast and very rich in highly interesting sites. Moreover, as a "young" region in terms of tourism, there are still many beautiful gems to highlight and exploit, which are not yet part of the promotions offered to people from outside. So, the potential is huge," he adds.

An avid outdoor enthusiast, Mr. Lavoie engages in various types of excursions that constantly lead him to new discoveries. "There are plenty of places where I wonder if a human has ever set foot," he exclaims somewhat jokingly, while also noting that his remark is not far from the truth.

At our request, the director of the ATR exclusively presents his top 10 hidden treasures hidden here and there along the coast. However, he insists that limiting himself to a dozen is very difficult and encourages our visitors to search for other jewels not on his list.

"They are all worth seeing. I advise tourists to take the time to stop at every village, at every municipality. Even if it is off the main road. Because everywhere there is a little trail, a natural exhibition, a beach, a forest, or a site, all exceptional! Talk to people, ask residents, they know their area and can tell you what is beautiful to see. Your stay will be all the richer for it."



The DG's Top 10

  • We start in Sacré-Cœur, located a few kilometers from Tadoussac, heading towards Saguenay. There you will find a beautiful covered bridge and the famous (for locals) "Anse de Roches" which offers a breathtaking view of the Fjord.
  • Now we're in Forestville. Although impossible to see from the road, an incredible 10-kilometer-long beach caresses the waters of the St. Lawrence River, right at the foot of a cliff. Near the shore, you will observe Patte de Lièvre Island, which was seen in the series Toute la vérité sur l'Affaire Harry Quebert.
  • For kayakers, head to Îlets Jérémie, in the municipality of Colombier. The enchanting scenery is full of beautiful places to paddle, all enhanced by abundant and diverse marine life.
  • In Baie-Comeau, take the time to walk the Pointe Saint-Gilles trail. Wander through the forest, observe numerous bird species, and breathe the pure air of the undergrowth.
  • East of Baie-Comeau, along Highway 138, make a stop at the Baie Saint-Pancrace lookout. Located high up, this site offers a plunging view of the surrounding gigantic cliffs, carved by glaciers, as well as the majestic St. Lawrence River.
  • The Rivière-Pentecôte and Baie-des-Homards areas are beautiful places for kayaking. The panorama is breathtaking. Near Baie-des-Homards, there is Île du Grand Caoui with its cove and a lighthouse in the middle of the island. DG's word, it's worth the detour.
  • Still heading east, go to Port-Cartier. A superb waterfall, MacDonald Falls, awaits you there. A charming trail will lead you there, and you will enjoy walking through the freshness of the woods and crossing the river via a pretty wooden bridge.
  • Take a short detour just 5 kilometers north of Sept-Îles to set foot on the viewpoint of Lac Daigle Road. A breathtaking, stunning viewpoint... from a hill you'll have a view of the entire bay and the city of Sept-Îles as well as the archipelago out to sea.
  • You've arrived at the entrance to Minganie, more precisely at Rivière-au-Tonnerre. Visible from the road, the Sault Plat waterfall is superb to see. A little further east, you can't miss the Sault Blanc waterfall (our photo). It's a must-see! It is accessible via a pretty trail whose lush vegetation almost recalls the Amazon rainforest. And the waterfall holds a pleasant surprise! You can sit under the falls and refresh yourself with a swim in nature.
  • We conclude this list by remaining very close to Rivière-au-Tonnerre, more precisely in the Sheldrake area. There you will admire the seven small islands that poke out of the surface of the river. It's a superb site, equipped with a parking lot and picnic tables. Mr. Lavoie himself had an unforgettable experience there. While snorkeling, a small minke whale passed by him, about ten meters away. And when we talk about cetaceans, the term "small" minke whale is quite relative!

That's the Côte-Nord for you: nature on a grand scale, discoveries without end, beaches and whales everywhere, the perfect excuse for any road trip! By Daniel Naud for the Côte-Nord Tourist Magazine Between Nature and Grandeur

road trip ! Par Daniel Naud pour le magazine touristique de la Côte-Nord Entre Nature et Démesure


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