Events Not to Miss in September

The summer season is coming to an end, and cooler weather is gradually arriving: September marks the beginning of autumn. Nevertheless, there are still several events not to be missed this month.


September 1st to 4th: Grande Corvée des Monts Groulx

The Grande Corvée des Monts Groulx is a festive and friendly gathering where work and pleasure mingle. Trail maintenance and development are on the agenda, along with workshops and communal meals.

For all the details


© Les Amis des Monts Groulx

September 2nd: Jazz Under the Moon in Les Bergeronnes

Quinos presents the world premiere of their 5th album "Le temps que les maisons s'écroulent" (The Time Houses Collapse) at Jazz Under the Moon in Les Escoumins. This album is the result of extensive summer work recorded in the woods between Laterrière and La Baie, created in support of the victims of the landslides in Saguenay during the summer of 2022. It is also likely that they will play some tracks from their very first album "Lune de Miel" (Honeymoon) for the occasion.

For all the details: https://lepointdevente.com/billets/quinosletempsquelesmaisonssecroulent?fbclid=IwAR18gIoi0zOtSdAO-qt9fhhZFvvvb5Wd8QKuwaL2jFzQ7snlV2xgDD58vf4


September 9th to 10th: Autumn Market in Port-Cartier

The entire population is invited to meet our local artisans and producers at the Autumn Market in Port-Cartier, which will take place on September 9th and 10th, from 11 am to 4 pm, on our beautiful McCormick Island! With exhibitors as diverse as they are complementary, the Market gives you the opportunity to greet their work and talent!

For all the details:https://villeport-cartier.com/culture-et-loisirs/calendrier-des-evenements/

© Karl Tremblay

September 16th: Béluga Ultra Trail in Tadoussac

The BELUGA Ultra Trail aims to be a family-friendly and unifying event allowing all types of runners to push their limits while supporting an important environmental cause, the protection of the beluga. Classified as endangered, the population of belugas in the St. Lawrence frequents the Saguenay for all its essential activities for survival. From the starting point of the longest distance, Baie-Sainte-Marguerite in Sacré-Cœur, to the finish of all distances, on the beach in Tadoussac, athletes who pay attention will likely be able to see a beluga feeding, socializing, and swimming in the majestic Fjord.

For all the details: https://www.facebook.com/events/738127058031701

© Béluga Ultra Trail 

September 17th: Course du 50e Parallèle in Port-Cartier

The municipality of Port-Cartier offers an extraordinary panorama; beaches, islands, and rivers in the heart of the city. This is also what the Course du 50e Parallèle offers, with its 21.1 km route highlighting the historical and cultural heritage of the region, as well as its appeal to tourists and athletes. Runners and walkers can choose the distance they wish to cover, from 1.5 km up to 21.1 km.

For all the details: http://www.ms1inscription.com/lacoursedu50eparallele23 


September 18th to 24th: Festival des oiseaux migrateurs de la Côte-Nord from Tadoussac to Colombier

Come and discover or rediscover one of the largest migratory bird corridors in North America during the peak of the fall migration. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore breathtaking landscapes along the coast while admiring the numerous marine mammals!

For all the details: https://festivalmigrateurs.com/ 


© Festival des oiseaux migrateurs de la Côte-Nord

September 23-24: Envol d'automne in Pointe-aux-Outardes

The Nature Park celebrates the arrival of autumn! The flora adorns itself in warm colors, and 255 bird species visit the Park during this period, ranking it among the top five bird-watching sites in Quebec. To celebrate biodiversity, numerous activities are offered to satisfy all tastes! Discover mycology, birdwatching initiation, astronomy evening, and musical trails.

For all the details: https://parcnature.com/on-visite/evenements/envol-dautomne

© Yvon à l'aventure 


Looking forward to seeing you at these events!


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