Plongez au cœur de la richesse scientifique de la Côte-Nord avec ces incontournables. Explorez les merveilles naturelles et les découvertes passionnantes qui font de cette région une destination pour les amateurs de science et les curieux de tous âges.

Scientific tourism differs from other forms of learning tourism in that it puts the visitor in concrete relation with the research carried out on the territory visited. This first map of scientific tourism on the North Shore is composed of a diversity of experiences that meets these criteria. These science-based activities are not necessarily year-round. It is therefore preferable to consult the company's website to ensure that the offer is present at the time of your visit.
30 KM
23 KM
3 KM
10 KM
168 KM
88 KM
At the Parc national du Fjord-du-Saguenay, in the Baie Sainte-Marguerite (Sacré-Coeur) sector, the Sépaq offers scientific exchanges with naturalist park wardens who have had a close eye on the belugas of the bay for several years
The Centre d'interprétation des mammifères marins (CIMM) in Tadoussac relies on researchers from the Groupe de recherche et d'éducation sur les mammifères marins (GREMM) to share their research in a variety of ways, sometimes surprising and spectacular

Explos-Nature operates mainly in the western sector of the North Shore, where it offers, often in partnership with other actors of scientific tourism, group activities led by professional extension workers, on the themes of the sea, including scuba divingMarine, and ornithology. Visit the website to register or to offer a bespoke scientific tourism experience.
The Centre Archéo Topo (Les Bergeronnes) allows you to discover the human occupation of the vast territory of the North Shore. Each year, new projects allow us to better understand the history of an ecosystem subject to profound variations. Disappearances of glaciers, movements of human colonies and wildlife. Guided tours will help you better understand 9,000 years of history.

Parks Canada at the Centre d'interprétation et d'observation de Cap-de-Bon-Désir (Les Bergeronnes) and the Centre de découverte du milieu marin (Les Escoumins) offers activities consisting of exhibitions, interpretations and observations from the shore, fun activities to do with the family, and even free-diving or scuba diving in the estuary. Seabeds, birds, invertebrates, whales, seals and sometimes sharks are all aspects of the estuary's biodiversity that are being studied.
Discover the interpretation center
Pointe-aux-Outardes Nature Park ranges from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, from plankton to the universe. Discover what science can tell us. Also explore ecosystems, their roles on our quality of life and plants that have medicinal and gourmet virtues.
The Godbout and Mistassini Rivers Controlled Harvest Area (CEZ) allows visitors to exchange information with those responsible to count and measure fish, especially salmon, that pass through the fishway. It is also possible to use trails where it is possible to see the salmon jumping back and forth falls and rapids.
At the Centre d'interprétation de l'histoire, de la culture et de la paléontologie d'Anticosti live «La fantastique épopée du vivant», a new fossil exhibition in Anticosti. A unique look at the tragic events that led to the first extinction of life on Earth about 445 million years ago.
Archaeo-mamu intervenes on various archaeological sites of the North Shore. The organization will offer an experience in the Lower North Shore, a site with 9,000 years of history. The offer will be located in Blanc-Sablon. The activity is specially designed for this first edition dedicated to scientific tourism. More details on their website.
Research on scientific tourism in collaboration with l'Universté du Québec in Trois-Rivières and Mr. François de Grandpré.